Rather than use intelligence to inform the government's response to the pandemic, the Trump administration tried to bend the facts for political ends.Throughout the course of the pandemic, the Trump administration’s first and strongest instinct was to find a scapegoat rather than formulate a response. Whether or not their pet theory turns out to have been right, they will have supported it for the wrong reasons.
Things are getting better A 300 million vaccine effort gave many their lives back and a once-apocalyptic jobs crisis is much improved. A new presidency has restored science to its rightful place. The more than 600,000 dead are honored, not ignored. And the most important antidote in a national crisis -- truth -- has made a White House comeback.There have been 293 mass shootings -- defined by an incident in which four or more people are shot -- so far this year.
America’s pandemic playbook assumed the US could take collective action. The country proved that wrong.America’s biggest mistake in fighting Covid-19 began with an assumption made long before the virus behind the pandemic first appeared in humans.
New evidence emerges - Scientists Don’t Want to Ignore the ‘Lab Leak’ Theory
Human nature, of course, often resists the precautionary principle; when confronted with problems that seem distant (say, a disease outbreak halfway around the world), we tend to put off urgent action—rather than recognizing that if we wait until we see the problem right in front of us, it may be impossible to avert. But if we manage to bake the principle into our international systems, it could have an impact on longer-term challenges such as climate change as well.
Covid-19 exposed populist leaders like Modi and Trump
When evidence began mounting of a deadly new coronavirus in China a year ago, authorities could have reacted with swift warnings about public safety.The documentary will premiere at the virtual Sundance Film Festival Thursday, where it is expected to stir up much attention as a damning indictment of the leadership of Chinese president Xi Jinping in the early days of the covid-19 pandemic.
“We think of the virus as ‘it was an inevitable disaster and the government responded the best way they could,’” Wang, who was born 200 miles outside Wuhan and currently resides in New York City, said in an interview. “And that’s not the reality. No one can make the calculation of how many lives could have been saved if precautions and warnings were given on time.”
“Breath” seeks to paint a different picture of China’s response from the one circulating in some circles that China handled the virus well. Early on, a story in Nature offered “What China’s coronavirus response can teach the rest of the world.” This fall, Mike Ryan, executive director for the WHO Health Emergencies Program, congratulated “the front-line health workers in China and the population who worked together tirelessly to bring the disease to this very low level”.
“Breath,” however, argues that Xi’s government was eager to sweep away talk of covid during the critical early period, both with suppression and with propaganda dismissing the dangers. The film highlights many reports, well into January of last year, that stated “no clear evidence shows human-to-human transmission” — even as victims are shown dying in the streets and thousands of people desperately upload their medical information, hoping someone will see it and offer them care.
When evidence began mounting of a deadly new coronavirus in China a year ago, authorities could have reacted with swift warnings about public safety.The documentary will premiere at the virtual Sundance Film Festival Thursday, where it is expected to stir up much attention as a damning indictment of the leadership of Chinese president Xi Jinping in the early days of the covid-19 pandemic.
“We think of the virus as ‘it was an inevitable disaster and the government responded the best way they could,’” Wang, who was born 200 miles outside Wuhan and currently resides in New York City, said in an interview. “And that’s not the reality. No one can make the calculation of how many lives could have been saved if precautions and warnings were given on time.”
“Breath” seeks to paint a different picture of China’s response from the one circulating in some circles that China handled the virus well. Early on, a story in Nature offered “What China’s coronavirus response can teach the rest of the world.” This fall, Mike Ryan, executive director for the WHO Health Emergencies Program, congratulated “the front-line health workers in China and the population who worked together tirelessly to bring the disease to this very low level”.
“Breath,” however, argues that Xi’s government was eager to sweep away talk of covid during the critical early period, both with suppression and with propaganda dismissing the dangers. The film highlights many reports, well into January of last year, that stated “no clear evidence shows human-to-human transmission” — even as victims are shown dying in the streets and thousands of people desperately upload their medical information, hoping someone will see it and offer them care.
The ex-president went on a tirade against his former top Covid advisers the day after CNN aired preview comments made about the pandemic by the health experts.In his latest outburst Mr Trump claimed that he ignored both officials while in the White House and that he was responsible for getting vaccines developed quickly and approved for use.
11-year-old girl found her parents, both in their 40s, lying dead in their bed due to COVID-19 on Thursday morning.
"Wife tested positive but they sent her home and then her husband meanwhile was home with a positive test for COVID, so they both were quarantined," said Duy.
Duy said the couple stayed downstairs in their basement bedroom. The girl was the couple's only child.
China’s continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the scientists say, makes it difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks of such dangerous diseases.In the end, the W.H.O. experts sought compromise, praising the Chinese government’s transparency, but pushing for more research about the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019.
Trump falsely cites CDC data on mask-wearing, catching COVID-19
Bob Woodward Could’ve Saved Countless Lives, If He’d Reported My Lies Sooner
From Beijing to Brussels, from Rome to Washington, London and beyond, politicians haven’t just failed to rise to the occasion, they’ve engaged in a dangerous game of parsing, obfuscation and reality-denial that has cost lives and delayed a resolute response.Even though virologists have been warning for weeks that the outbreak could explode, political leaders, particularly in the West, did little to halt its advance
There's no other way to put it
“Why did you lie to the American people and why should we trust what you say now?”
Blood on his hands