The language Instinct, by Steven Pinker -
The summary
A language is a dialect with an army and navy
優美的聲調語言: The Elegant Tone Language
Beyond designating English as the country's official language, the order rescinds a federal mandate issued in 2000 by President Bill Clinton that required agencies and recipients of federal funding to provide extensive language assistance to non-English speakers. "Old Donald's" order lets agency heads decide whether to keep offering documents and services in other languages.The 'Old Donald' administration removed the Spanish-language version of the official White House website within hours of his inauguration in January.
Immigration and voting rights advocacy groups are speaking out against the executive order. Anabel Mendoza, the communications director for the immigration advocacy nonprofit group United We Dream, said in a statement that 'Old Donald' was putting 'a target on the backs of Black and brown immigrants and communities who speak different languages, and we won't tolerate it.'
'Old Donald' will try to use this executive order as a crutch to attack schools providing curriculum to immigrant students in other languages, gut programs and roles that help to promote inclusive language access, and embolden immigration agents to single out and harass individuals who speak a certain way,' she said.
An estimated 170 countries have one or more official language, according to the Associated Press. The United Kingdom, the birthplace of the English language, does not have an official language.
While the White House didn't detail how an official language would affect territories like Puerto Rico, where Spanish and English are official languages and most government affairs are conducted in Spanish, Rep. Pablo J, Puerto Rico's nonvoting member of Congress, said in a statement on X that the order 'reflects a vision of American identity that conflicts with our Puerto Rican identity.'
'There will be no statehood without assimilation, and Puerto Ricans will never surrender our identity,' Hern'. 'For those of us who seek a union with the U.S. without assimilation, and U.S. citizenship with more autonomy, there is only one alternative: maintaining and strengthening the current Commonwealth relationship.'
On Buton Island in eastern Indonesia, children in Baubau are using the Korean alphabet, Hangul, to learn their indigenous language.The Cia-Cia language, spoken by about 80,000 people in south-east Sulawesi, didn't have its own written form.
Being a syllable-based language, it presented challenges in adapting to the Latin alphabet, the predominant script used for Indonesia's official language.
Hangul, the Korean alphabetic system, was introduced after a cultural exchange between Baubau and Korean scholars in 2009. Teachers and students were even sent to South Korea to learn the script.
Abidin is one of the pioneers. He spent six months in South Korea for training and has even penned a dictionary for it.
"However, with the implementation of Hangul, people say our Cia-Cia language has become global."